Equipment tracking

Real-time visibility on different kinds of equipment with precise information on location, how they move, when they moved, and when they remain static is the basis for any successful RTLS application. Start the RTLS journey with tracking a limited number of critical equipment and scale as needed to include all tools, forklifts, tugger trains, and more. Get the full overview of production floor activities and improve efficiency of equipment and production flows. Follow orders outside the production facilities and track their worldwide journey.

Worker driving a forklift in a warehouse
Worker in forklift picking up a pallet of drink cans.

Equipment & tool tracking

Understand where equipment is and how it moves on the manufacturing floor

The Pozyx RTLS collects, tracks and reports on any piece of equipment on the floor.

  • Track the location of items to avoid loss and never search for misplaced items again.
  • See the real-time position of vehicles and follow how forklifts and tugger trains move to maximize efficiency in the warehouse.
  • Ensure that operators only use the tools allowed at specified workstations.
  • Ensure a safe and secure work environment when real-time tracking of forklifts and moving equipment generate alerts to warn operators.

Find lost tools

Find missing tools and equipment on the shopfloor

It happens faster than you think. Scanners, small tools, and other equipment get misplaced at the end of a long working day, and subsequently cannot be found the next shift. The Pozyx system tracks any piece of equipment with decimeter accuracy, avoiding hour-long searches and expensive replacements for missing tools.

Most tools get replaced every five years, which is the battery life of a Pozyx tag. Replacement of tools goes perfectly together with replacing the battery of the tag.

  • Never search for missing equipment or tools
  • Locate mobile equipment in real time
  • Increase equipment availability
  • Prevent loss and hoarding
Worker in warehous scanning a product.
Discover how Pozyx brings value to your business
Schedule a call to discuss your use case and how Pozyx can help your business. Afterwards, we plan a 1-on-1 session in which our experts will show you how our system works.
Schedule a call
Pozyx experts come on site to assess your use case.
Worker in warehouse pushing a cart with assets.

Track large equipment

Track forklifts, carts & tugger trains for optimized efficiency

Pozyx Analytics gives a clear overview of how and when forklifts, carts, and tugger trains move throughout the warehouse. The system pinpoints inefficient routes and actions, gives insights on the warehouse lay-out and pointers on how to streamline order picking and the overall flow of goods.

What percentage of forklifts and carts are moving at the same time? What is the ideal number of forklifts for optimal performance? How can we optimize routes to reduce labor hours? These are questions the Pozyx system can easily answer to provide insights on how to optimize warehouse efficiency.

Warehouse optimization

Notifications and Geofences

Access control for tools & equipment

The Pozyx Platform also makes access control for tools possible. Make sure equipment is only used by authorized personnel or at specified workstations.

How does it work?

Pozyx makes it easy for users to indicate workstations and other zones on the floorplan as geofences. The system then recognizes every time something or someone with a Pozyx Tag enters or exits a geofence. Set alerts and get notified when tools are taken from a workstation without authorization, to never lose expensive equipment again.

Notifications & Geofences

Tracking all equipment

  • Easily find all moving or missing equipment on the floor or on the road
  • Locate mobile equipment in real time
  • Increase equipment availability
  • Prevent loss and hoarding
Learn more about warehousing solutions

Visibility of equipment movements

  • Track the what, where and when of forklifts, tugger trains and moving pallets
  • Pinpoint motion of moving elements like production batches and orders in real-time to analyze WIP
  • Optimize routes and warehouse lay-out based on real-time location information insights
  • Get numerous ideas to optimize labor in the warehouse based on real data
Find out how Pozyx analytics works

Access control and notifications

  • Restrict the use of tools or equipment to trained operators only and increase safety
  • Never search for lost tools or equipment and avoid theft
  • Dynamically assign workforce according to requirements during production peak times
  • Real-time asset visibility to avoid bottle necks or idle time
Learn more about Location Based Triggers

De belofte van Pozyx

Onze kernwaarden dwingen ons elke dag om uit te blinken en te innoveren om onze klanten het best mogelijke product en de best mogelijke ondersteuning te bieden. Zo garanderen we een systeem dat robuust, nauwkeurig, eenvoudig te installeren, schaalbaar en te integreren is.

Ongeëvenaarde nauwkeurigheid

  • Ongeëvenaarde decimeternauwkeurige UWB-nauwkeurigheid voor tracking binnenshuis
  • locatiegegevens van 5G, RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth en GPS voor wereldwijde of minder nauwkeurige tracking
  • Geoptimaliseerd algoritme voor het volgen van activa voor industriële omgevingen
  • Robuust in uitdagende, metaal- en betonrijke binnenomgevingen

Flexibel en zeer schaalbaar

  • Combine state-of-the-art hardware and easy-to-use software
  • Easy to install, up & running in no time
  • Grows with changing demands - track a handful of forklifts or hundreds of tools

Datagestuurde betrouwbaarheid

  • Giswerk wegnemen, beslissingen nemen op basis van actuele gegevens
  • Geautomatiseerde en onfeilbare standaardprocedures
  • Integreer met ERP en MES
Discover how Pozyx brings value to your business
Schedule a call to discuss your use case and how Pozyx can help your business. Afterwards, we plan a 1-on-1 session in which our experts will show you how our system works.
Schedule a call
Pozyx experts come on site to assess your use case.