State-of-the-art logistics technology in one place. Logistics is a competitive sector, technological innovations can really make a difference.

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Pozyx in Fabriek Logistiek, Belgium's first logistics test center

Pozyx in Fabriek Logistiek, Belgium's first logistics test center
External Author
Mar 21, 2022

Pozyx is partner with Fabriek Logistiek, Belgium's first logistics testing and training center.

“Logistics is a competitive sector. A logistics company must work in a smart, sustainable and efficient way. Technological innovations can really make a difference.”

Article excerpt:

Fabriek Logistiek now has 27 partners which guarantee unique technologies. For example, you can test the Smart Glasses from ART4L, enabled by Pozyx technology. The glasses tell the logistics operator or order picker which product has to go where and even map out the route for him. They do the latter using the positioning technology of another partner, Pozyx.

“Thanks to the instructions on the small screen of our Smart Glasses, order picking is much faster,” explains Jan De Kimpe, partner at ART4L. “An environment such as Fabriek Logistiek where you can try out our technology is very interesting, we closely approach reality,” he says. “The interaction between partners is also interesting."

This is also confirmed by Samuel Van de Velde, CEO of Pozyx .

“ Our positioning technology helps the operator find his way to the next item. Every device has a location tag. It is connected to the UWB network. This way you can follow in real-time where the devices are located.” With that data, a company can analyze its processes and realize rapid efficiency gains.”

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Het Pozyx platform brengt positioneringsgegevens samen om volledige zichtbaarheid te geven aan logistiek en productie.

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