Escape rooms have become very popular. Read how implementing UWB can create an unforgettable experience.

Escape rooms 4.0

Escape rooms 4.0
Samuel Van de Velde
Jul 4, 2019

In the last decade, escape rooms have become very popular. Why do we like them so much?
Simple, we like to solve puzzles. And if we can solve one as a team, the experience is even more rewarding. Most of you have probably had an escape room experience, and you might recall that you have struggled with padlocks, pieces of papers, props, keys, and so on.

Not very futuristic if you ask us! New IoT technology hasn't found its way to the escape room...yet.

However, some escape rooms are leading the way by leveraging recent technology innovations. One of the top 3 escape rooms in Belgium, ESCAPE RUSH, for instance, offers an original, custom-made and immersive experience in an unusual large venue using no padlocks at all!

To provide more satisfying user-experiences, new kinds of playing modes are designed by combining the real world with virtual world interactions. It can either be a mobile application that connects people to the game or the room itself that is enhanced with IoT technology to control lighting or objects within the room.

Indoor positioning is perfect to realize such an immersive and interactive room experience.

Pozyx Tags enable you to interact with the objects laying in the room with virtual world actions through smartphones. Because, once you can localize the gamers precisely, you have endless possibilities to design/guide what they should do. A traditional accurate indoor positioning system is expensive and not easy to setup.

With Pozyx, it's possible to create a cutting-edge escape room. Pozyx uses UWB positioning, which allows you to position everything within an accuracy of 10 cm. All you need is four static anchors and as many tags than the items you would like to position in space. UWB is a far more accurate solution than Bluetooth or beacon-based technologies and far more straightforward and cost-efficient to implement than optical and camera-based solutions.

Curious about how you can use Pozyx Technology? Here's a DIY project made by Samuel (CTO of Pozyx) as a proof-of-concept: The Fake Geiger Counter

The possibilities with UWB indoor positioning are endless when it comes to entertainment. Visit our blog for use-case examples of how you can use Pozyx, and get in touch with us to know more!

Samuel Van de Velde

Written by

Samuel Van de Velde

Samuel Van de Velde

CTO en medeoprichter van Pozyx

Samuel is Burgerlijk ingenieur met een sterke interesse in locatietechnologie. Bekwaam in ondernemerschap, publiek spreken, productbeheer, internet der dingen (IoT) en machine learning. Na zijn afstuderen aan de UGent in 2010 ging hij aan de slag bij de afdeling Telecommunicatie en Digitale Informatieverwerking (TELIN) om een doctoraat te behalen op het gebied van collaboratieve localisatie binnenshuis. In 2015 richtte hij op basis van dat onderzoek het spin-offbedrijf Pozyx op.