Pozyx at Pack Expo by Automation World
State-of-the-art logistics technology in one place. Logistics is a competitive sector, technological innovations can really make a difference.
Voka interviews Pozyx's founder Samuel Van de Velde on international start-ups based in Belgium.
Pozyx is excited to further strengthen its partnership with Upstate SC Alliance to build the Belgian technology hub in The South.
Yves Ghys, head of Pozyx US, was interviewed by GSA business report about plans to build a Belgian technology hub in Greenville, SC.
DUTCH - STERCK. a Belgian magazine for entrepreneurs interviewed Samuel, founder of Pozyx about the origin, growth, and future of Pozyx.
Pozyx participates in the Deep Orange 12 project, a large-scale test for self-driving racecars.
POZYX, pioneers in accurate positioning solutions with ultra-wideband (UWB), is working on solutions that make social distancing easier to manage for companies.
Pozyx heeft onlangs 1,3 miljoen euro opgehaald in een kapitaalronde onder leiding van Saffelberg Investments. Deze investering zal de commercialisering van hun schaalbare positioneringssysteem verder stimuleren.