ABISS Summit
The place to be for the digital transformation of industry with new and proven solutions for smart manufacturing and IIoT use cases. Claim your free ticket with code ABI169.
Automating and digitizing production processes is without a doubt the most complex and never-ending challenge companies in smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 are facing right now and will be in the coming years.
ABISS Summit, an exhibition organized by Industrial Fairs, is the place to be for production companies that want to step to the next level of automation.
Pozyx is happy to welcome you to their booth to showcase recent developments that bring true value and benefits to your business. Come by our booth for a dynamic demo of our hardware and talk to our experts to discover the new Pozyx Platform, complete with actionable insights through analytical and WIP dashboards, to gain total visibility on your production processes.
Claim your free ticket with code ABI169 via this link

Here's the 7 questions that we would be happy to answer for your business:
• How will ultra-accurate RTLS (real-time location system) revolutionize Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing solutions?
• Why is UWB (ultra-wide band) the technology of choice for hyper-accurate indoor positioning of equipment, assets and people?
• How can businesses combine different indoor/outdoor tracking solutions and location technologies?
• How can RTLS solutions optimize WIP or material flows in production?
• How can RTLS improve labor efficiency (overall operator efficiency - OOE) and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
• How can micro-location technology bring safety and security for operators on the shop floor
• And finally, why is Pozyx a game changer in the industry?