Asset Management in the Pozyx Platform
The Pozyx Platform turns real-time location data into valuable visibility for smart manufacturing. The Asset Management module is where the asset's data influx and its trackable features are configured and where asset linking is taken care of.
- Object Configurator
- Fully customizable
- Matches any business case

Manage all assets on the floor and on the road
Object Configurator for any custom asset type
The Asset management module is part of the Location and Sensor Hub.
This module allows the configuration of the different moving trackables, which can be defined as object types (e.g. forklift, pallet, order, operator, tool, truck, etc.), where every asset contains additional context through meta-data. Custom objects with custom fields can be created to fit any use case or environment.
The object properties are fetched from APIs (order number, asset origin) and automated trigger events can be fired from property changes (activation by movement, sensor data thresholds, inactivity etc.). The trackable object will feed data on its asset definition and name, location, asset origin, sensor data such as temperature, movement etc. into the linked ERP, MES or WMS to provide full asset visibility and for further processing and analytics.
- Create custom objects with custom fields
- Fetch object properties from APIs
- Trigger events based on property changes