Location Based Triggers
The Pozyx Trigger feature enables the launch of automatic Trigger actions at the occurrence of events when people or goods move, leave or remain into a specified zone. The business logic behind Trigger definitions generates alerts that translate into actions or warnings.
The Trigger feature removes manual programming from the Pozyx Platform and simplifies the implementation of value stream mapping, safety policies, quality validations and efficiency checks in manufacturing environments.

smart triggers for contextual location events
Pozyx Triggers and Events put RTLS tracking to work
Triggers are defined to launch an event whenever any of these activities, or a combination, happen:
- When a person, vehicle, or asset enters a room
- When too many people or vehicles are in a zone
- When something or somebody enters or leaves a pre-defined geo-fence
- When a buffer location or operator desk remains empty for 1 hour
- When an asset has not moved for a week
- Use a wide set of highly configurable Triggers to capture all business logic
- Use webhooks or MQTT to receive Trigger events in any RTLS application
- Easily configure fences and Triggers with our user interface or do it dynamically through the Pozyx API
- Robust triggering algorithms eliminate false positives
Validation of processes
Some examples based on flow mapping input:
- Automatic validation that an order was placed in the correct shipping buffer
- Rule-setting for specific tools only to be used in pre-defined zones or by qualified operators
- Flow definition to prevent rejected goods to re-enter the standard production flow
Process Automation
Some examples based on time start/stop input:
- Automatically turn off the lights and machinery when a room or zone is empty for 5 minutes
- Automatic check-in and check-out of operators from their workstations fuels the time registration system
- Measure time certain assets or goods are in a pre-defined zone to pinpoint bottlenecks
Capturing exceptions
Some examples based on contextual location input:
- Get notified when goods or orders have been forgotten and have not moved in over a month
- Send alerts when unauthorized people enter restricted zones
- Fire alerts when operators move too close to hazardous installations or moving vehicles
Triggers based business logic
Triggers funnel xyz-data streams and narrow down the vast data influx to create operations-relevant events.
The Triggers are launched from geo-location conditions of RTLS tracked assets, such as when a tagged asset enters, exits or remains in a specific zone. The generated events can be defined as alerts (push messages, emails, warning lights), as actions (emergency stop, turn equipment off) or as real-time process automation input.
- Fully configurable
- Easily integrates in existing environments
- Interacts with PLCs, SCADA, MES & ERP

Geo-location Triggers
The Trigger use cases are fully configurable and can be defined as a simple asset moving in or out of a pre-defined geofence, triggering an event. The asset can be any object with a tag: a forklift, a person, a tugger train, a bin or a pallet. The geofence can easily be drawn anywhere on the virtual floor plan and marks the Trigger fence zone.
Event creation
The actual Trigger can be defined to create an event, whenever an asset (group of asset types or individual asset) enters or leaves the zone. The event can be a warning light, a text message, an email, an alert in a dashboard, or powering off a machine.
No-coding, easy to implement
Pozyx offers a wide variety of Triggers to capture business logic in any environment. Their configuration is easy and can be defined on individual tags, groups of tags or based on specific zones or geofences. The Triggers are Omlox compliant and combine accurate location data with additional in/out fence information. Fence and Trigger configuration is easy and flexible and offers a broad range of integration options.
Endless possibilities
The scenarios to configure use cases generate an almost endless list of opportunities to optimize production floor activity flows. Pozyx has a wide set of highly configurable Triggers to capture all business logic. The basic building blocks contain event Trigger logic based on 4 activities of tagged assets, or a combination of all 4 to create more complex Trigger events in smart industry settings.
The list of Pozyx Triggers remains under continuous development and it continues to grow based on customer requests - some examples of typical and most used Triggers below:
- Asset enters or exits a zone
- X assets or less than X assets in a zone
- Zone remains empty for X seconds
- Asset longer than X seconds in a zone
- Tag leaves zone before X seconds
- Tag is not moving in a zone for over X seconds
- X tags are active in same zone
- Tag is standing still for X seconds
- X tags are within Y meters of each other (collision event)
- Average speed over X seconds is higher than Y km/h
- User presses a tag button
- Tag battery level is below X%
Highly scalable - Easy to integrate
The Trigger feature, as part of the Pozyx RTLS, is designed for scalability and can be configured to track a small number of critical assets to tracking thousands of (grouped) tags over multiple fences over several multi-level operations floors.
Within an industrial context, Triggers can interact with PLCs and existing manufacturing environments, at SCADA level or in MES and ERP systems.
Simulator tool
Easy to use Simulator Engine, the tool to set-up and test Trigger scenarios and their business logic.
Ideal for prototyping and testing, the Simulator Engine eliminates the tedious task of manually collecting test data on the floor.