At the Geospatial World Forum, Pozyx was awarded the 2024 Excellence in Innovation in PNT & GNSS award for its Pozyx Asset Tracking Platform.
Press Release

Pozyx Platform awarded the Technology Innovation award

Pozyx Platform awarded the Technology Innovation award
Samuel Van de Velde
May 17, 2024

At the Geospatial World Forum 2024 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Geospatial World announced the winners of the 2024 Geospatial World Excellence Awards. Pozyx was awarded the Excellence in Innovation in PNT & GNSS award for its Pozyx Asset Tracking Platform.

Pozyx receiving the award at the Geospatial World Forum in Rotterdam.

About the Pozyx Asset Tracking Platform

The Pozyx Platform is an asset tracking platform to track, analyze and optimize all processes via location technologies from BLE and UWB to GPS. The platform allows tracking of material, operators, forklifts and packaging across an entire facility indoor and outdoor, across multiple sites. Different tracking technologies can be combined using the open Omlox Hub standard to provide full visibility.

On-stage demo of the Pozyx platform

About geospatial world

Geospatial World is a global think tank working towards raising awareness around the use of geospatial data and technologies among governments and policymakers, businesses, and the public at large.

Samuel Van de Velde

Written by

Samuel Van de Velde

Samuel Van de Velde

CTO & Co-Founder at Pozyx

Samuel is an electrical engineer with a strong interest in location technology. Skilled in Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking, Product Management, internet of things (IoT), and Machine Learning. After graduating In 2010, he joined the Department of Telecommunications and Digital Information Processing (TELIN) to pursue a Ph.D. degree on the topic of collaborative indoor localisation. In 2015, he founded the spin-off company Pozyx out of that research.